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Customer Complaints and Business Opportunities

Having to deal with complaining customers is a challenging proposition for a lot of professionals, but also remember that a complaint situation may also represent an opportunity; and not always a dilemma.

If you address and deal with a client’s concerns in a respectful and helpful manner, more often than not, your efforts and understanding will be appreciated, and former “complainers” would walk away feeling satisfied and valued. A happy customer will come back; and one of your goals is to have repeat customers.

By recognizing how you will be able to benefit from complaints expressed by client, you create an opportunity for improvement and growth.

Depending upon the severity and nature of the complaint, it would be best to get a good grasp of what the complaint is all about, what went wrong, and what can be done to solve it.

Meet with your staff or crew to review the complaint given; deliberate on approaches and solutions to see to it will not be repeated.
Customers for Life: How to Turn That One-Time Buyer Into a Lifetime Customer
Complaints could be difficult to manage at times, but there is no reason to be afraid of them. Be thankful to the customer for bringing to your attention the problem that caused the complaint. Had they merely ignored their dissatisfaction and went somewhere else; he or she would have been a lost client. By calling your attention to this matter you are given the opportunity to rectify it and to make future efforts on not allowing the situation to happen again.

Complaints + resolution = company growth and customer satisfaction.

© 2/3/2011 Athena Goodlight at Bizcovering